Friday, March 6, 2009

Proposal :)

Well, seeing as how its Friday night, Kevin's now at work (he works a night shift on weekend, 10pm to 6am blech.. but its a job right? :) ) and I'm putting off homework, I thought I'd update a little more here. We're both super busy but very happy and getting excited for the wedding. People ask me how he proposed so I give them the story, but thought I'd write it down with pictures anyway... :) When he proposed, Kevin and I had been long distance dating for about 6 months, texting, calling, chatting, etc etc etc and seeing each other at least once a month for a few days at a time, sometimes more sometimes less. When we hit the fall semester and neither one of us really knew when we'd see each other again. Kevin surprised me and flew in to Utah for my birthday (which was awesome!) and then he drove up for General Conference and after that we didn't think we'd see each other again til Christmas, schedules were just too tight. But, my good friend Shannon Ference is also from Southern California and I asked if she was planning on going home for Thanksgiving. We decided we'd road trip and split the cost, cheaper than plane tickets, so I decided to surprise Kevin back and not say anything about going to California (I called his mom and family to make sure it was ok). Nearly killed me not telling him.

Shannon and I made it to Barstow then split ways, Andrew and Wade picked me up in Barstow to help keep the secret and took me back to Midway City. We met up with the rest of the family and surprised Kevin at work, that was a lot of fun :). The rest of the weekend we had a wonderful Thanksgiving, some awesome Thanksgiving flag football, and a lot of fun spending time with each other. Saturday night he took me out to Chili's just the two of us and I had a blast laughing with him and chatting the whole time.

I had suggested earlier in the week that I wanted to go see the beach before I left, I love the beach, so after dinner was done he tells me we're meeting up with his family for frozen yogurt but we have a couple hours so why don't we head out to the beach? I said awesome, not suspecting a thing, so we head out to the beach next to his house. Its really nice, just the two of us on the beach at night so we start walking out away from the car just talking about everything. After a while we decided to head back, he told me it was almost time to meet his family for frozen yogurt, so we walk back toward the car. I was not paying attention at all, talking with him, watching the waves, and so I hadn't noticed a thing when he suddenly stopped walking. I turned to see what was wrong and see we had stopped right in front of a little table with candles, sparkling cider, little candies, and of course our waiter Andrew, Kevin's brother, all dressed up in a suit. I realized what was going on right then, I mean its not every day you get a table with sparkling cider out on the beach with candlelight. Drew seated us and put on some music, served the sparkling cider then headed back to the car for a bit...

I couldn't stop smiling. Kevin and I talked for a while, a long while, about how we felt and how much we cared for each other and wanted to spend the rest of our lives together. Then he got down on one knee and proposed, and I said yes of course :). Then he asked me to dance, some might say corny but I loved it. I later learned that Drew had the ring and was supposed to tape it to the bottom of Kevin's chair, but somehow didn't, so when Kevin sat down and didn't feel the ring box he almost had a heart attack. But, Drew tipped him off and dropped it in his lap when he was getting Kevin his cider :). I didn't notice a thing... too busy being happy :) I LOVE the ring he got for me, he picked it out himself a couple months before and didn't say a word to me. I love it

We talked and laughed for a long time, being happy, then decided we'd probably better go meet up with Kevin's family and I wanted to call my mom, so we called Drew and he came back to see us. We took some pictures and Drew sent us away to go meet up with the family while he cleaned up. I called my mom first thing and told her the news, I was so excited I didn't even know what to say on the phone. Eventually it all came out, then we went and met up with Kevin's family and of course they were all in on it as well... :)

All in all I could not be happier. I love Kevin with all my heart, I love his family, and I am so excited to spend the rest of my life with him. Having him up here at BYU has been wonderful. I love seeing him every day and spending time with him every day. He helps me with so much, my work and wedding plans and school.. everything, and I try and return that as much as I can.

Also, thanks for helping out Drew :)


Unknown said...

Yay! Thanks for posting first of all! And I'm so excited you wrote this down! I love hearing engagement stories! By the way we love you too!

Mi mundito said...

Umm you know how much I love you two right!?! I'm so freakin excited for you. I hadn't realize you guys had a blog until I came across your comment on mine. :)

The Griffins said...

What a cute blog you two have. We're very excited for you and are hoping to make it to your wedding!

Nettina said...

so cute :) i've heard it, but its always cute to hear again :-D

Unknown said...

When are you gonna post wedding pictures?!?!?!?